Friday, January 16, 2015


Vincent Van Gogh's "Shoes"
S. Thomson
Oil on Canvas
2011 was the year that I painted every Van Gogh postcard or poster that I owned, while continually accumulating more. Having just been introduced to oils and painting with this medium, copying the paintings of masters like van Gogh and Monet allowed me to become better acquainted with the ins and outs of oils, as well as develop a tentative style.

2011 also happened to be a rough time of life and also my freshman year as a high-schooler. Both these factors combined led to a decreased interest in painting and a quickly diminishing amount of 'free time.' All this to say, for four years I've had this canvas sitting around with two perfectly completed shoes resting in the middle of a background of emptiness.

After some current, careful, and prayerful consideration, I've been making some big decisions regarding my future and how my art will play into it. These thoughts have fueled a new desire to seriously excel, where previously I merely desired to enjoy myself. In an effort to push myself and start a more purposeful education in art, I've been completing past paintings, beginning new ones, and envisioning many more.

I've started this blog as a sort of online portfolio, as a deposit for all my projects, painting or drawing. Please check out the above pages for both of the latter and check back soon for some exciting projects that are currently in the works!


"The only talent is perseverance."
-Jesse Raphael

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