Friday, June 12, 2015


When at the beach with our cousins, there is always a recurrent pile of flip flops that soon creates itself. This subject intrigued me because of the arrangement and shadows, but also the fact that the center flip flops belong to my boy cousin, Sam, and are called "man flops" by my other cousin, Grace. That just cracks me up. Both factors combined made for an interesting drawing.

"Flops on the Deck"
May 24, 2015
Pencil on Paper


"Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse."
Winston Churchill

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Following this first installment will follow several recurring chapters, all recounting the recent beach vacation my family took, in the form of the drawings I brought home. First up, the beach path. To the right one can see some slight sketches of birds. Above: the hunting ospreys that I watched all week, climbing into the sky and plummeting down to their next meal. Below: a morning dove that visited the deck handrail for a couple minutes.

Morning Shadows on the Beach Path
May 24, 2015
Pencil on Paper


"You can't do sketches enough. Sketch everything and keep your curiosity fresh."
- John Singer Sargent

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Recently I've run across the concept of "daily painting." It has been defined by one as the following: “Daily painting is the practice wherein an artist produces a piece of art every day, or every weekday, or almost every weekday – or just periodically. As that rambling sentence shows, there are no steadfast rules. Heck, a daily painter does not even have to be a painter, just an artist dedicated to their art.” It is more precisely, attempting to paint one painting every day for a set period of time. 

With upcoming trips, such a feat may be impossible the next week or two, but will not stop me from painting when I can. Today's model came from a magazine clipping, and allowed me to entertain my desire to accurately translate the human figure into the language of paint. I completed this study in a number of hours, no more than four, and am excited to get to it again tomorrow.

Woman in Red
S. Thomson
Oil on 5 x 7 " canvas
June 6, 2015


"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing."
- Camille Pissarro